Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Milquetoast

Vidkun Quisling and the ministers of his collaborationist regime.
A Milquetoast
for New Year's Eve

A ramble for this New Year's eve

to make resolute by,

how each organization old

allows itself to die,

how old guards stubbornly lock arms

for turn each at the throne

'til the young bulls, “Why bother?,” ask

and strike forth on their own,

how think old not on mentorship

as legacy most true,

but on the threat new talents pose

to their place in the queue.

This New Year in rings constancy

of corruption despite

the congress changing out its lead

from hard left to not-right:

the marxist globalists retreat

to further treasons scheme

as crony globalists drag out

stale “kinder, gentler” theme

to fritter on each crisis edge,

surrender, then to gloat,

and, as we steam for the abyss,

to not dare rock the boat.

They'll Constitution read aloud,

Boehner will shed a tear

then politic as usual,

young bulls exiled to rear.

McCain will plump his “mav'rick” claim

as proved by compromise

with marxists, not with the young bulls

his old guard all despise.

McConnell will revoke the rules

Reid forced to force his will,

then naïvely expect good faith

from marxists poised to kill.

The fires burning this New Year

are cities marxists lit,

while cops lie dead from rhetoric

venomous marxists spit,

while unemployed and unfree see

how we've been global scammed,

still each old guard must have his turn,

ev'rything else be damned.

Yes, despite overwhelming vote,

the left will still live large,

so raise your glass in this milquetoast,

“The GOP's in charge!”

Their conga line will dance 'til death,

our abyss looming large,

and so this New Year's Eve milquetoast,

“The GOP's in charge!”